4 min readApr 2, 2023


A nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect urban residents and make them more educated, responsible, open-minded and caring.


Making the city a better place to live in. Connecting, engaging and educating residents.

Suggested Microvolunteering Actions for A Better City


create a poem, photo, song or drawing about: *a building, * street, * neighborhood

design a micro space for recreation: *front door bench, *green wall, *micro-garden, *picnic table

create a street art piece to embellish the city: *mural, *stencil, *yarn bomb, *sticker, *chalk art, *lock-on

@Twilight Taggers


share information about open spaces and free services in your community

promote hyper-local events: *an amateur art exhibition, *a neighbor’s birthday party, *a reading circle, *a kids’ play date in the nearby park

@ Frances Gonzales

share archive photos or videos of places that have changed a lot

share homeless people’s needs and emergencies

contribute ideas for games aimed at bringing residents together: *treasure hunting, * boardgames, *escape room, *city exploration app


report places in need of cleaning, repair or renovation

map places of interest: *outdoor sport facilities, *playgrounds&green areas, *street art, *free wi-fi hotspots

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

map&review your city’s touristic attractions

rate public places in terms of accessibility for the disabled

translate an entry from your city guide into another language

report street crime and violent incidents in your community


offer brico, deco&home improvement advice

help someone with gardening

@ Hannah Stephenson/PA

lend a household item, tool or sport equipment to a neighbor

plant a tree in a public area

help clean a park or square

share a car ride with a neighbor

cook a meal for a disabled or homeless person

donate un-used items to charities who help the poor

be a half-day guide for a visitor who doesn’t know the area

spend some time socializing with an elder person

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

Ideas, trends and experiments:

1)Interactive micro installations to engage urban residents. These could take the form of:

ART: *chalkboard, *painting corner, * graffiti murals, *sand or ice sculptures, *projections on buildings

Photo by Emma Frances Logan on Unsplash

ECO SPACES: *compost bin, *bird feeder, *pop-up garden

PLAY AREAS: *bench, *day bed area, *cooling shower, *picnic table, *swing and slide set.

Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

2)Tech-based art and games also have the potential to connect people.

One example: AR urban exploration apps. These games create opportunities for residents to move&engage in sport activities, socialize, learn about the history, art and culture of their communities or get started with citizen science.

The community could also organize MICRO EVENTS based on hobbies and pastimes such as: *karaoke, *yoga and aerobics, *outdoor sports such as freerunning, stunt biking or skateboarding, *board games, *street fashion, *storytelling circle, *scavenger hunt&geocaching, *street performance, *urban exploration (collecting stuff, spotting weird objects, etc.)

@ Joseph C. Topping Flickr

3) Hyper-local activation. This could involve starting an online socialization group for a micro-community such as a neighborhood, apartment block, classroom, nursing home, park or market.

Public displays could be used in order to broadcast news and encourage residents to interact and help one another.

The neighborhood could be kept clean and cute with the help of volunteers who could take turns performing small actions such as: planting trees, fixing, gardening or painting.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

The homeless could also be helped by setting up tents and other types of DIYtemporary shelters. Volunteers can help with design ideas and the building of individual housing units.




English is not my mother tongue and Earth is not my home. Forgive the language mistakes and read my words. I write for the people I do not know.