3 min readAug 1, 2023


A notforprofit group focused on health promotion, illness prevention and/or using new technologies for improving health in poor, underserved communities.


Medical care for all. You believe in democratizing access to health care and health education.

Suggested Microvolunteering Actions for Health


share calls for blood donation

share your experience living with X condition

share recovery &mental health advice for those who struggle with an illness

share healthy lifestyle tips& natural and traditional remedies

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

recommend a good doctor or clinic

share your experience with medical services in your community

donate your extra medical devices and left-over drugs

Photo by pina messina on Unsplash


rate& evaluate medical services in your community

Photo by Cdn Pages on Unsplash

report clinics that ask for bribe and offer poor quality services

map outdoor public spaces fitted for gym & exercise

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

record and share a health education event: *press conference, *scientific meeting, *webinar

scan&upload printed material: *book, *article, *info leaflet, *press article

translate a migrant or minority member’s health-related query

edit/caption a photo or video aimed at illness prevention

record an audio version of a health-related text in order to make it accessible to the visually impaired


engage in an 1 hour conversation with a patient in need of emotional support

surf the web for medical information on behalf of someone with limited internet access

share a car ride with someone who is going to a treatment center

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

spend 1h playing with a hospitalized child

help an elder person with his/her daily tasks

Ideas, trends and experiments:

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Democratizing access to health care through the use of new technologies. Health care professionals from different parts of the world could provide free web based medical advice and psychological support to members of underprivileged communities. Health educators could also teach remotely about illness prevention, diagnosis and treatment options.

Microvolunteers could help by translating medical advice into local languages and/or spreading the message- e.g.: by re­sending web-based information through SMS or regular mail in order to reach communities with limited internet access.

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Create citizens’ rating maps to monitor the quality of medical services in a given community:

  • denounce bribes and ill treatment.
  • rate doctors in terms of efficiency.
  • promote most dedicated clinics and health professionals.
Photo by Skiathos Greece on Unsplash

Local solidarity: take turns in caring for the disabled, ill or elder. Microvolunteers could dedicate one day a month for socializing with a vulnerable person.




English is not my mother tongue and Earth is not my home. Forgive the language mistakes and read my words. I write for the people I do not know.